Thursday, October 23, 2008

Community Service - "P2P" In Action!

Since we last “connected,” a lot has happened! On Sept. 9, I was officially welcomed as a new board member for the Housatonic Community College Foundation in Bridgeport, CT. I have been a business department instructor at HCC for several years and really believe in the community college system. Coming from a hard-working, middle class family, the community college gave me the opportunity for higher education and opened new doors for me. I am very grateful for this appointment and look forward to serving the college in this new capacity.

Also, on September 24, I attended the Fulton-Montgomery Community College Alumni Awards dinner in upstate New York where I received “The Distinguished Alumna Award for Lifetime Achievement.” It was a terrific evening and what chills I had when my name was announced as the first-ever recipient in the seven-year history of the alumni awards. Wow! I was truly humbled…What a night it was!

Not only is this great news to share, it is also a testimony to the importance of community service and volunteerism. As I completed the detailed FMCC award application earlier this summer, I realized (when I saw it in black and white!) how much of a role community service and volunteerism has played in my professional world and personal life. The “Yes Policy” of community service…

As employers and managers, we shape our reputation through actions and words. We are the face of our business to our employees, customers, and competitors. We set the tone - right example - that encourages our employees to get involved in the communities we serve. People want to work for community-minded organizations; our customers want to do business with community-minded organizations; our shareholders (public companies) see the return as a CRA component; and the recipients of the volunteer efforts appreciate our contributions in ways we can’t even imagine. It’s "P2P" in action and a win/win for everyone! It just makes cent$!

What is your organization’s community service reputation? How does it stack up against your competitor’s reputation? What’s the “give back” factor in your life? How do you serve to the community where you live and/or work in? Say you have no time? You don’t need to spend a lot of time…Most people who volunteer give one or two hours a week across a wide range of sectors and activities.

Come on out, meet some new people, do some good and join me as a community service/volunteer “groupie!” Many organizations (right in your own backyard) need good people like you! Check out my website,, for some of the organizations I currently serve…We’d love to have you!

As we rapidly approach the "season of gratitude and giving," think about how and what you can do this year to make a difference. Times are tough, no doubt. Let's focus on the many blessings we do have and share what we can..."P2P" in action!

I don't know about you, but I have been cleaning out the "stuff" in my home and office these past few months! So, in lieu of giving and getting more "stuff" this holiday season, I have decided to make donations to local non-profit organizations and have asked my friends to do the same with the money they would have spent on me.

What about you? Do you really need more "stuff"? How about joining me? Start a "giving virus" at your workplace!

As Msgr. Bob Weiss always says, "If we all do a little, we can do a lot!"