Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Remembering Mom...

Today is the 7th anniversary of my Mom's passing at the young-at-heart age of 88 1/2. Jane Albini Balzano was a great gal with lots of spunk and a real zest for life! She was my most enthusiastic supporter and my most critical coach, yet I know I would not be the person I am today if she had been any different.

She and my Dad were very hard working, blue collar people with a love for family, the church, and, of course, food. As Italians, our world revolved around these three things!

They both brought a great sense of humor to their workplace, our family-run leather glove factory, in Gloversville, NY. Jane and Carl worked very long hours and when I reached working age, I, too, worked evenings and summers right along with them in the "shop."

I remember the fun it was working with my parents, uncles, aunts, cousins, and the many glove cutters and sewing machine operators on payroll. Even though my parents and their contemporaries are gone now, to this day, when the cousins gather, we continue to laugh at the fun and happy things that went on there!

What a great time my parents had at work and what terrific "people-to-people" connections they made all of their lives. I guess the apple doesn't fall very far from the tree...

So, as we approach this Mother's Day, I know you will take a few moments to remember your Mom (as I will) if she is no longer with you, and if she is nearby, try to spend some fun time with her.

To all the Mom's and Mom's-to-Be, I say "Enjoy!" Thanks for all you do in making your homes and workplace environments positive ones!

1 comment:

JudiO said...

You're right - the apple does not fall far from the tree. Now I know where you get that wonderful zest for life, great sense of humor, and multitudes of strong relationships.

What a great practice to reflect on and feel gratitude for all the gifts our parents have given us!